Friday, December 28, 2012

Ben's Hutch Friends

We had to make a quick trip to Hutchinson for Ben, Abby and Luke to go to the dentist.  Ben asked if it would be possible to see his buddies while we were there.  It's hard to say no to him, since every time we go up there, I get to go to lunch with my friend, Athena.  I told Ben that if his friends could meet for lunch, then he could see them.  Thankfully it worked out!

These boys have been friends for such a long time and I am always happy to see them together! It is so amazing to see the you men that they have become!  I am so happy that after moving away four and a half years ago, that they are still friends and look forward to seeing each other anytime they can!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Nice to see the 3 boys together. They have become nice young men. (All very nice looking also)!