Sunday, May 20, 2012

Awards Assemblies

 I was one proud mom to find out that both Ben and Abby were invited to their respective awards assemblies.  At their school you are only invited if you are receiving an award.

 Ben was recognized for the band award which he had received at the concert the week before.

 Ben also received an academic award for having a 3.5 or higher for the last half of 7th grade and the beginning of 8th grade.

 Abby was recognized for the band award that she received at the concert the week before.

What I really like about the way that Madison does it's awards ceremonies is that they do it in the middle of the day and then allow the parents to take their students out to lunch.  (As long as we  have them back by a certain time.)  I'm pretty sure that Ben and Abby were more happy about getting to skip class and go to lunch than actually getting any awards.  I can't blame them, I was in middle school once.

I am extremely proud of Ben and Abby and for the great year of school that they've had this year!  Abby made a very smooth transition to middle school and did very well in all of her classes.  Ben had some very difficult classes this year and struggled a little bit, but still came out really well!  I am so proud of both of them!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am so PROUD of Ben and Abby!! They are doing great! Keep up the good work kids!