Friday, July 16, 2010

Vacation: Day 10

It was awesome to get to spend time with this awesome family in St. Louis! We will definitely be heading back there for a visit!

We made a quick decision on the road to make one more stop on our trip. If you know me very well, you have heard me (more than once!) talk about my friend, Karen, that lived in Oregon. Well, she doesn't live in Oregon anymore!! She and her family have moved back to Missouri and I couldn't be more happy about it!!! She is now less than a five hour drive away from my house, so we decided to stop in for a quick hello and to have lunch together! I was overjoyed to get to see her smiling face after two long years apart!!
As you ca tell, we had an amazing vacation!! It was such a great time! This is one vacation that we truly had to come home and rest from instead of resting while we were gone!!

There will be more talk about Karen as we are (at this very moment) getting ready to head out for a girls only weekend in Branson! Which means I better get out of here since I'm supposed to be leaving to meet her in less than ten minutes!!!


Pat said...

that pic of you and karen is super cute!!!!!!!! i miss you love your babygirl

Anonymous said...

Thanks Abbers! Wish I could have seen you too, but I'm glad that you got to spend time with just you and Grammy! :O)